And so it continues…

I am blown away by how quickly time slips through our fingers.  I am reminded every day by the changes in my young children that time is fleeting, these moments will pass by quickly and so very soon become fond memories.  I am shocked and amazed that my last post was the introduction to my first book, There’s a Lump In My Bed.  I thought that surely I had written something since then, no?  I didn’t purposefully forget to write but the muse has been upon me since my last book was published and guess what?  I would like to introduce you to book number two, Dinosaur Dreams!

For those who know me, you are aware that two of my four children are adopted.  In addition, these two lights of my life have been presented with a number of extra hurdles in their young lives and struggle, at times, to simply function like happy kids.  Their special needs have forced us all to grow and become better people in our efforts help them succeed in life.  Dinosaur Dreams is inspired by my adopted son who struggles with social interactions but always has the best Dinosaur growl to offer in greeting.  His love of Dinosaurs is epic and his Dino greeting is quite unforgettable.  As we continue the journey to help him become a successful young man, I dream and pray every day that he will be able to achieve his own dreams, no matter what they may be.

The learning process is never ending.  I felt extremely accomplished having managed to navigate the self publishing arena for There’s a Lump In My Bed, but having completed book number two, I think I might have learned more the second time around.  The first time I quickly made a list of what never to do again, ever.  This time I am happy to say there is actually a new list of what works great and what to focus on for the future.  And yes, there is a future.

The muse hasn’t quit with number two and in fact, number three is already written (assuming I decide not to make 500 more edits 😉 ).  That sounds impressive, I know, but keep in mind the process from written word to finished book might actually be more difficult than writing it in the first place.  Just wish me luck and keep your eyes pealed for some sneak peeks of my newest book written about a topic close to my heart, adoption.

I cannot finish without once again thanking my amazing and fabulous support system.  Thank you to my friends, my wonderful mentors, and my amazing family for supporting me and encouraging me to continue to pursue this new (and continuing) adventure!

Watch for Dinosaur Dreams to make its debut both in paperback and hardback on

Dinosaur Dreams

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