Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Family Photo 2014 - Version 2

I am fairly certain this year has given me selective amnesia. I really couldn’t tell you what happened in the first part of the year. I know Brent and Sophia had birthdays and school ended. For some reason I begin to remember bits and pieces around summer. Then again, I’m sure I blocked at least half of that out too. Oh, don’t be tempted to worry too much about me. My survival skills are in place and really, it was a great year…at least I think so ;).

Gabriel started his second year in preschool in August and guess what, he doesn’t cry when I leave him anymore! My uber-attached, somewhat smothering, he’s-too-cute-for-words, youngest child, finally started to grow his independent wings. His flights away from the nest may be short but we are excited to see him thrive in his own skin.

Sophia has been on quite the roller coaster this year. She has been working very hard to get it through our thick skulls that she functions on a different wave length than most of us, and could we please catch up and straighten out the chaos we have submitted her too. Of course the “chaos” was life as a normal child in school. But Sophia has insisted that our “normal” is too constrictive for her and has forced us all to take a step back and re-evaluate. And guess what, she was right! Although she couldn’t put it into words, she helped us find the right place for her this year. After building relationships I never thought I would need with principals, vice principals, speech therapists, psychologists, special education teachers, and don’t forget the teachers themselves, we found a new home for Sophia. Today she attends a different school from her siblings, in special class, that is just right for her. It only took us eleven months. Sorry for the delay sweetheart.

While we struggled to find the right place in the world for Miss Sophia this year, we were blown away by Brent, who showed us that he is just fine. And I mean just that. No special schools, no special classes, no extra time spent on homework, this kid is up to speed and working right alongside his classmates. He didn’t bat an eye when he had to start taking his meds at school and all my fears that he would struggle connecting with the kids in his class were for naught. He is, just fine. In fact, he’s better than fine. With near perfect report cards, Brent is excelling in every area at school. My new problem, how in the world to keep this kid challenged?

Speaking of keeping a kid challenged. We were quite thrilled for Kaden to begin the GATE class this fall. With a unique design and a faster pace, this class has been the best thing ever for Kaden. He loves, LOVES, his teacher and has made a new best friend, whom he walks home with every day. He’s doing great, as usual, but at least I know he’s also being challenged. Additionally, I must add that this kid is the best big brother ever! He has his moments, he is the ultimate negotiator, but overall, his siblings are so lucky to have him. I’m pretty sure they know this too.

As for Orlando and I, well, we survived the year and I think that is quite the accomplishment. Orlando has been our rock, working and playing music and being Dad. I have somehow maintained my sanity, published two more books, had my first book signing, designed and help publish two other books, worked, and played with my kids. I’m still working on figuring out how to add a few more hours to each of my days and promise to share the secret when I find it.

Until next year. May your holidays be filled with love and laughter and your new year filled with hope and excitement for the coming adventure.